We met for our first in-person dancing experience after the hurricanes Irma and María in December of 2018, in Piñones, Carolina, Puerto Rico. It was the first time that the three of us had danced together in at least 10 years. nibia pastrana santiago also joined us. We found our way into moving with the sand, the water and each other. This movement bore out a processing of the multiple layers of disaster we were uncovering. The experience of dancing together manifested the relationships we have had with each other through years of working and building knowledge together. Also, with what surrounds our dancing in ever changing terrains. We didn't have a proposal to make something happen. We let a manifestation of what is unfold.This sense of manifesting has been a constant and ever evolving reminder to rely on shared histories as well as listening to those that are unique to each of us.
Activating kinetic memory into movement: Replica score B
20 mintue dance at the end of the day - manifesting what is there.

At some point in our process, as we were discussing our separate positionalities in relation to the world and the collaboration, we decided to make maps/diagrams of our histories of working together. We wanted to track the overlaps and divergences. This is some of what was generated.